The Canadian Canoe Museum

Experience a unique national heritage centre that explores canoe’s enduring significance to the peoples of Canada, through an exceptional collection of canoes, kayaks and paddled watercraft. Come for a guided tour, or enjoy a self-guided visit through our engaging, family-friendly museum with more than 100 canoes and kayaks on display. Family visitors will enjoy interactive, hands-on galleries, a scavenger hunt, model canoe building and puppet theatre. Through inclusive, memorable and engaging exhibits and programs we share the art, culture, heritage and spirit of paddled watercraft with our communities.
The museum’s artifacts range from the great dugouts of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest to the singular bark canoes of the Beothuk of Newfoundland; from the skin-on-frame kayaks of northern peoples from Baffin Island in the east to the Mackenzie River Delta in the northwest to the all-wood and canvascovered craft manufactured by companies with names like Herald, Peterborough, Chestnut, Lakefield and Canadian. For those travelling the Route Champlain, be sure to spend time in our Trade and Alliances gallery for unique perspectives on the trading relationships, canoes, and other artifacts of the “pre-contact” and the fur trade period.