Old Town Bikeworks in Yellowknife

This bicycle repair shop in Yellowknife’s Old Town has a simple but very useful mission: rescuing bicycles that are unwanted or in need of a little love. Throwing away bicycles is out of the question when you can make magic happen! Once bikes are fixed up, Old Town Bikeworks sells, trades or rents them.
That third option is very much appreciated by tourists, who often prefer to tour Yellowknife by cycling along its streets and boulevards. The workshop accepts donations of bicycles all year long, and technicians are always ready to make repairs to ensure your safety.
The founder of the workshop is none other than Matthew Grogono, who also created Old Town Glassworks. Which goes to show that nearly everything can be recycled, reused and repurposed.
Information: https://www.facebook.com/OldTownBikeworks/