Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre

Exploring nature and observing wildlife fascinate people of all ages. One of the most spectacular places to have this experience is Oak Hammock Marsh, Manitoba.
Located 20 km north of Winnipeg on Highway 67, between the towns of Stonewall and Selkirk, the marsh welcomes visitors to a magnificent site spanning 36 square kilometres.
Explore this enchanting territory on foot along more than 30 kilometres of trails that criss-cross the marsh, or canoe with a guide to see some of the many animal species that live there.
The interpretative centre is open year-round, and contains fun and interactive exhibits that will teach you about the marsh’s various features.
Oak Hammock Marsh is a must see for adventures with friends, family or on school trips, whether you are a lover of nature, wide-open spaces or fresh air!
Information: www.marais.ca