Cupids Legacy center

Did you know that the town of Cupids, Newfoundland, is the oldest British colony in Canada? Established 400 years ago, its history has been showcased for several years at the Cupids Legacy Centre, where visitors learn absolutely everything they need to know about this town, founded by John Guy in 1610.
Visitors to the Centre will be immersed in history and left with lasting memories of this ancient and major trade hub. In fact, for the last two years, the public has been able to take a virtual trip back 400 years, to the time when the town was founded!
The Centre also houses 160,000 artefacts collected at the Cupids Cove Plantation site, one of the largest archeological sites in North America. A large 2,000-square-foot room, decorated with a giant Union Flag from 1910, is also located on the second floor. Speaking of heights… be sure to visit the Centre’s rooftop, where you’ll discover a fairy, interpretation panels and… a breathtaking view of the town.