Charlo Honeyhouse

Founded in the early 1990s by master beekeeper Jacques Levesque, the small-scale Miel N-Bee Honey production facility now operates more than 300 active hives on 3.5 hectares, producing over six tons of honey a year, as well as its own mead (honey wine).
The passionate owner continues to expand his operation to offer an ever more impressive variety of products relating to his friends, the honeybees!
Treat yourself to a fascinating experience by visiting the hive dressed as a beekeeper! Take a guided tour that lasts nearly ninety minutes, step into the world of apiculture, glimpse the life of bees, the production of honey and the work of beekeepers.
The company features a woodworking workshop, a modern honey house with a themed exhibition centre on the world of honeybees, and a temperature-controlled vault for the hibernation of 350 bee colonies.
Discussing apiculture with Jacques Levesque is a real adventure! Appointed as a beehive inspector by the province’s Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Department, he’s certified to work with producers to monitor the health and regulatory compliance of Acadian bee farms.
So don’t hesitate when you visit his facilities on Craig Road in Charlo, whether you drop by to taste sweet products or discover these fascinating little creatures directly in their hives, outside the cozy honey house!