The Vancouver Francophone Summer Festival

Every June since 1990, Le Centre culturel francophone de Vancouver organizes the Festival d’été francophone de Vancouver (Vancouver Francophone Summer Festival), one of the most important cultural and musical Francophone events in Western Canada.
Amid a lively atmosphere, thousands of people gather to hear artists from across Canada and around the world. Our audience is not limited to the Francophone and Francophile community; it includes Vancouver residents as well as tourists who are interested in taking in a cultural experience that is unique on the West Coast!
The Festival is:
• One of the most important Francophone cultural events west of Ottawa.
• A way to abolish language barriers and promote discovery and cultural exchanges.
Since it began, the Festival d’été francophone de Vancouver has hosted many artists such as Daniel Bélanger, Patrice Michaud, Pierre Lapointe, Cœur de Pirate, Linda Lemay, Zachary Richard, Diane Dufresne, Les Cowboys Fringants, La Compagnie Créole, Ariane Moffatt, Paul Piché and many others.