Royal Canadian Mint

For many Canadians, coins are simply the “pocket change” that they, literally, carry around in their pockets. But did you know that the Royal Canadian Mint is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country?
The process of manufacturing Canada’s coins, and especially that of making special and collector items, has always fascinated the public. To satisfy the curiosity of visitors, tours are therefore organized regularly in Ottawa, Vancouver… and Winnipeg!
The Mint’s facility in Manitoba, located at 520 Lagimodière Boulevard, opened in 1976. This state-of-the-art plant spanning 325,000 square feet enables large-scale production of billions of circulation coins for Canada and for several foreign countries.
Plan your visit and see how coins are made! The boutique (on-site or online) also offers a range of collector coins and gift ideas inspired by the history of Canada, by the achievements of its people, including athletes, artists and others, by significant moments in the lives of Canadian citizens, by popular films, by our symbols (effigies, icons, flag, etc.); in other words, by the Canadian spirit.