New Brunswick Botanical Garden

The City of Edmundston has been home to the New Brunswick Botanical Garden since 1993. Like other botanical gardens around the world, its mission can be defined as follows:
- Stopping the loss of plant species and their genetic diversity.
- Focusing on preventing further degradation of the natural environment around the world.
- Increasing public awareness of the importance of, and the threats to, plant diversity.
- Implementing a practical approach that will benefit and improve the natural environment.
- Promoting and ensuring sustainable use of natural resources by current and future generations.
Noble goals that are met by creating colourful and inviting natural spaces, divided into sections, each more spectacular than the other. Come see the rose garden, alpine garden, flowery brook, shade garden, annuals, mosaicultures, medicinal and aromatic plants, butterflies and birds of the world, or… the giant pumpkin!
Take advantage of numerous workshops and educational activities, the community garden, and the Grande Grouille Fall Festival, when invisible fantastic beings living in the Garden reveal themselves! As the Garden’s website says: be transported by the seasonal scents of a garden that takes you back to basics: the impermanence of life, transformed before our eyes and all our senses. Plants may be ephemeral, but not the Garden, whose gates are open from May until the beginning of October!